
New projects, exhibitions, and more

    06/2024Master’s exhibition and new book
    I finished my studies in the studio of illustration and graphics at UMPRUM in Prague. At the exhibition, you cannot only see the graphics from my master’s project but also my new book which is called Alt Jabel*.

    27. 6. 4. 7. 2024
    Technology Centre UMPRUM, Mikulandská 5, Prague


    Grafika RokuLast week, I was honored to receive the main student prize at Grafika Roku (Czech Graphic Art of the Year). My winning pieces, the material print Blick aufs Meer and the book Struktur from last year, are currently on display at the stunning Císařská konírna in Prague Castle. Don't miss the chance to see them and so many more great prints and books!

    11. 4. 12. 5. 2024
    Císařská konírna, Prague castle


    kunstpreis Paul Tuttas
    Following my win of the University of Regensburg's kunstpreis in 2022, I have been afforded the opportunity to showcase my works in the beautiful Sigismundkapelle. On display are not only my graphic works but also three book projects. Additionally, the exhibition includes a catalogue published by Universitätsverlag Regensburg.

    17. 2. – 15. 3. 2024
    Open on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays 17–19; on Saturdays 11–16
    Kunstraum Sigismundkapelle, Thon-Dittmer-Palais, Regensburg

    Pictures from the opening of the exhibition by Matouš Petruň

    Analogue Newsletter
    My Analogue Newsletter is an update about my work and a package full of printed surprises sent to its subscribers once a year. The subscription will open again in September 2024.