
Grenzen / Hranice

Grenzen / Hranice (Borders) is a dialogue between the two artists Paul Tuttas and Johannes Steubl. They sent their graphics and texts on the subject of borders back and forth to each other, from Prague to Regensburg and back. Paul Tuttas chose printmaking as his technique for the dialogue woodcut, linocut, material print and more. Johannes Steubl in turn drew his pictures.
        Format and colour remain the same but the motifs and words change. Sometimes they refer abstractly and other times quite concretely to borders but they always return to the stories and landscapes of the Bavarian-Czech border region. 

Separated by borders,
connected by words and images
we search for a line,
digging through stories,
exploring landscapes.

  • The dialogue begins.
  • There and back, there and back, there and...

       — from the introduction chapter of Grenzen / Hranice

  • year: 2023
  • publisher: none (author’s book) 
  • language: German, Czech 
  • design: Paul Tuttas
  • illustration and text: Paul Tuttas, Johannes Steubl
  • edition: 60
  • size: 35×22 cm
  • pages: 68
  • print: digital and letterpress
  • binding: glued softcover

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