
Everything you need to know

Born in 1996 in Ludwigslust, Germany, I earned my Bachelor's in Fine Arts in Regensburg. In 2024, I finished my master degree in illustration and graphics at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design (UMPRUM) in Prague.
        I specialize in printmaking, utilizing traditional techniques like woodcut and linocut, as well as exploring more experimental methods such as monotype and material printing. My work ranges from visual art and artist’s books to commissioned projects like illustrations and graphic design projects. And I like sharing what I know by teaching workshops on different printmaking techniques and bookbinding.

If you would like to stay updated on my projects, feel free to subscribe to my Analogue Newsletter.

    • 2021-2024 — Master of Arts, Studio of Illustration and Graphics, UMPRUM (Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague)
    • 2022 — guest student, Studio of Type Design and Typography, UMPRUM
    • 2018-2021 — Bachelor of Arts, Institute of Fine Arts and Aesthetic Education, University of Regensburg

    Solo and Duo Exhibitions
    • 2024 — kunstpreis, Sigismundkapelle, Regensburg
    • 2023 — Spiegelungen, Dat Lütt Museum, Alt Jabel
    • 2023 — Dear Ting x Dear Paul, with Wei Chin Ting, Nika Galerie, Prague
    • 2023 — Grenzen / Hranice, with Johannes Steubl, Galerie Stará Pošta, Hojsová Stráž
    • 2022 — Vyhledy do dálky, mamacoffee, Prague
    • 2022 — AW: Transfragmentierte, with Johannes Steubl, neunkubikmeter, Regensburg

    Group Exhibitions (selection)
    • 2024 — Grafika Roku 23, Císařská konírna, Prague 
    • 2023 — Grafika Roku 22, Betlémská kaple, Prague
    • 2023 — Book Vision, GAFU, Ostrava
    • 2022 — kunstpreis 22, kunsthalle, Regensburg
    • 2022 — treffpunkt, DEPO2015, Pilsen
    • 2022 — Grafika Roku 21, Karolinum, Prague
    • 2021 — LUSTR 9, Hybernská, Prague
    • 2021 — Woolwich Contemporary Print Fair, London

    Residencies, Nominations and Awards
    • 2024 — Winner of Grafika Roku 23 (Main Student Prize), Prague
    • 2022 — Winner of kunstpreis 22, Regensburg
    • 2022 — Nomination at Grafika Roku 21 (Prize for Best Relief Print), Prague
    • 2021 — Czech-German artist-in-residency, DEPO2015, Pilsen

    • 2024 — artist’s book Alt Jabel* (master project)
    • 2024 — catalogue kunstpreis — Paul Tuttas from the solo exhibition at Sigismundkapelle in Regensburg
    • 2023 — book Grenzen / Hranice (Borders) together with Johannes Steubl
    • 2023 — artist’s book Struktur (Structure)
    • 2023 — catalogue Spiegelungen (Reflections) from the solo exhibition at Dat Lütt Museum in Alt Jabel
    • 2022 — comic Anfänge / Počátky in the publication Spurensuche im Böhmischen Wald / Stopy minulosti Českého lesa (Searching for Traces in the Bohemian Forest), published by Via Carolina — Goldene Straße e. V.
    • 2022 — book Kroky (Steps)

    Projects and Commissions (selection)

    • 2023 —  illustrations for Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge (The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge) by Rainer Maria Rilke, concept together with and layout from Šimon Brzobohatý
    • 2022 — design and print of the Graphic of the Year for the City of Regensburg
    • 2022 — graphic design and illustration for the Czech-German quiz Kdo Wie Co? by Bohemicum Regensburg
    • 2022 — logo design for the German choir ffortissibros

    Work in Public Collections
    Sammlung Bezirk Oberpfalz (DE)
    Museen der Stadt Regensburg (DE)

    kunstpreis exhibition in Regensburg, Mittelbayerische Zeitung
    Spiegelungen exhibition in Alt Jabel, Schweriner Volkszeitung
    Winning of kunstpreis 22 in Regensburg, Universität Regensburg

    You'll find my works for sale at these shops:
    XAO, Prague
    PageFive, Prague
    K-A-V-K-A knižní a výtvarná kultura, Prague