
Alt Jabel*

In his book Alt Jabel*, Paul Tuttas returns to the place of his childhood, a small village in northern Germany in the former GDR. The author grew up there in a parish right on the edge of a pine forest. The book captures the feeling of returning to such a familiar place where not much has changed. In the illustrations and short stories we can encounter places like the dunes in the middle of the pine forest, the children's room of the author or the apple tree in front of the family house.
       The illustrations are the result of a graphic experiment, a combination of woodcut and montotype printing. The book was published in an edition limited to 80 copies, of which the first half was published in German and the second in Czech.

  • year: 2024
  • publisher: none
  • language: German or Czech 
  • design: Paul Tuttas
  • illustration and text: Paul Tuttas
  • edition: 80 (40 Czech and 40 German copies)
  • size:  16,5 × 23,5 cm
  • pages: 76
  • technique: inside: digital indigo print; dust jacket: original monotype and letterpress
  • binding: glued softcover with dust jacket

    • Stone Circles

    The series Stone Circles draws its inspiration from the ancient stone formations I encountered during my hikes in Ireland. Using both woodcut and monotype techniques, my aim was to capture the atmospheric, sometimes mystical, atmosphere of those landscapes.

    • Title: Stone Circles
    • Year: 2024
    • Technique: woodcut and monotype on paper
    • Size: each print 15 × 10 cm
    • Edition: originals

    Rilke: The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge

    During my studies at UMPRUM, I undertook the re-design of Rainer Maria Rilke's novel Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge (The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge) in collaboration with Šimon Brzobohatý. Together, we conceptualized a fresh approach to the book, with my prints serving as visual interpretations of select text fragments, capturing objects, situations and locations.

    • Project: Rainer Maria Rilke:
      Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge
    • Year: 2023
    • Language: German
    • Layout: Šimon Brzobohatý
    • Illustration: Paul Tuttas
    • Publisher: no publisher (student project)
    • Size: 18 × 12 cm
    • Pages: 216
    • Technique: digital print and screenprint


    The kunstpreis catalogue contains an overview of selected graphics and books from 2021 to 2024. This book is part of my victory in the kunstpreis competition at the University of Regensburg in 2022 and was published by the Universitätsverlag Regensburg.

    • Year: 2024
    • Publisher: Universitätsverlag Regensburg 
    • Language: German 
    • Design: Paul Tuttas
    • Size: 27 × 21 cm
    • Pages: 36

    • Struktur

    Limewood, a cabbage leaf, packaging film and sandpaper all these materials have very different qualities. But what happens when you try to create a print with them? It is precisely this question that was the starting point for Struktur.
            The artist’s book delves into the influence of a material's structure on the printing process and the resulting graphics. The five chapters deal with other aspects too: What happens when you print the same material on different papers? What patterns are created when different materials are printed on top of each other? How high does the pressure have to be before a material breaks?

    The entire book was letterpress printed on different papers in an edition of 20 numbered prints. The text is written in German with a translation into Czech at the end of the book and an index listing all the materials used.

    • Year: 2023
    • Publisher: none (artist’s book)
    • Language: German, Czech translation in the back
    • Design, text and print: Paul Tuttas 
    • Edition: 20
    • Size: 14×22 cm
    • Pages: 126
    • Print: material and letterpress
    • Binding: Japanese glued binding, soft cover

    • Blick aufs Meer

    The series Blick aufs Meer (Views onto the Sea) captures various moods of the sea — serenity, waves, sunsets, expansiveness, mist and more. The rough shores of the Isle of Skye in Scotland, the sunny view along Portugal's Atlantic coast and the never ending horizon of the Baltic Sea in Germany all provided inspiration for the prints.
             The installation comprises three prints, each assembled from eight individually printed sheets of paper, glued together to form one stripe. I used textiles and paper as printing materials to capture the ethereal, occasionally misty textures where the sky and water meld with the land.

    • Title: Blick aufs Meer I-III
    • Year: 2023
    • Technique: material print on paper, each stripe is glued and folded
    • Size: each stripe measures approx. 46 × 230 cm
    • Edition: 3

    Grenzen / Hranice

    Grenzen / Hranice (Borders) is a dialogue between the two artists Paul Tuttas and Johannes Steubl. They sent their graphics and texts on the subject of borders back and forth to each other, from Prague to Regensburg and back. Paul Tuttas chose printmaking as his technique for the dialogue woodcut, linocut, material print and more. Johannes Steubl in turn drew his pictures.
            Format and colour remain the same but the motifs and words change. Sometimes they refer abstractly and other times quite concretely to borders but they always return to the stories and landscapes of the Bavarian-Czech border region. 

    Separated by borders,
    connected by words and images
    we search for a line,
    digging through stories,
    exploring landscapes.

    • The dialogue begins.
    • There and back, there and back, there and...

           — from the introduction chapter of Grenzen / Hranice

    • Year: 2023
    • Publisher: none (author’s book) 
    • Language: German, Czech 
    • Design: Paul Tuttas
    • Illustration and text: Paul Tuttas, Johannes Steubl
    • Edition: 60
    • Size: 35×22 cm
    • Pages: 68
    • Print: digital and letterpress
    • Binding: glued softcover

    • AW: Transfragmentierte

    AW: Transfragmentierte was an installation by Johannes Steubl and Paul Tuttas in the neunkubikmeter gallery in Regensburg, Germany. The motifs were worked out in a dialogue by sending sketches on the topic of fragments and borders back and forth. 
            The exhibition was realised in a shopping window in the city centre of Regensburg. The drawings on the large papers overcame their boundaries and continued on a different paper of the other artist. The drawings were placed in space, sometimes overlaying each other. This lead to distortions and changes in form according to the viewing angle.

    • Project: AW: Transfragmentierte
    • Artists: Johannes Steubl, Paul Tuttas
    • Technique: mixed media on paper
    • Location: neunkubikmeter, Regensburg (DE)
    • Year: 2021

    • Spiegelungen

    The Spiegelungen (Reflections) catalogue from my solo exhibition in Alt Jabel, Germany, showcases my printmaking journey spanning from 2022 to 2023. The graphics show individual impressions of different places the Baltic Sea, the Giant Mountains, the forest in Mecklenburg, and the Scottish Highlands.
             The catalogue shows all graphics from the exhibition as well as their reflections, the plates from the printing process. Additionally, the book offers a visual index, complete with work-in-progress imagery and descriptions for each showcased work.

    From the exhibtion text: “Since the printmaking technique and its process are so crucial in the work of Paul Tuttas, the book not only presents the finished prints but also the very plates that birthed them, made out of wood, linoleum, and metal. Every one of them bears witness to the artist's distinct approaches, whether delicate lines are etched into zinc or rugged textures are carved with a chainsaw into the wood.”

    • Year: 2023
    • Publisher: Dat Lütt Museum, Alt Jabel  
    • Language: German
    • Layout: Paul Tuttas 
    • Edition: 100
    • Size: 13,5×21 cm
    • Pages: 80
    • Print: digital
    • Binding: glued soft cover, open spine

    • Highlands I-IV

    The series Highlands I-IV emerged from a holiday in Scotland. Observing the quickly changing weather, I got inspired to capture the interplay of mist, light and shadow of the landscape in a series of linocuts. Each graphic employs identical plates, yet the application of pressure, the quantity of color, and the sequence of printing vary.

    • Title: Highlands I-IV
    • Year: 2023
    • Technique: linocut on paper
    • Size: 29×18 cm
    • Edition:  5, 10, 5, 2